
Associative Economics in Sebastopol

In 2003 Daniel Osmer organized an Associative Economics weekend workshop given by an economic historian from England where 14 people participated using a room at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts. A community wide economic conversation continued when the use of the backroom of Coffee Catz Restaurant was arranged for Sebastopol Economics Forum to meet every other Friday afternoon. It became a regular gathering spot for those interested in alternative economic thinking and discussion around Sonoma County and beyond.

Sonoma County, California
Sebastopol, California is located 56 miles north of San Francisco, and ten miles west of Santa Rosa. The area lies at the heart of western Sonoma County's rich bounty of apple orchards, vineyards and organic farms, while being just minutes from the Russian River and Sonoma Coast.

About Associative Economics

With its many and wide-ranging implications for modern economic life, associative economics places human beings at the centre of all economic processes. Our capacity to be both free and responsible means we can make conscious what is otherwise left to the unconscious working of market forces and that we can therefore regulate our own behaviour and thus obviate the state's role in this regard. (see

Associative economics constitutes a new paradigm in economic thinking. It stems largely from the insight of Rudolf Steiner's 1922 course in economics, but now translated into the language of finance. Practical in essence, it provides a means for economics to reground itself in business through the language of accounting and to pay heed to the modern circumstance of global economy, which calls for a wider awareness of the true nature of economic relationships.

For more information, please visit the Associative Economics Institute.

Daniel Osmer – Ambassador for Youth Science

Daniel is a Realtor with Creative Property Services and an Independent Energy Consultant in Sebastopol where he has lived for eleven years since moving from N. New England. He is a founder of the Science Buzz Cafe along with Robert Porter, PhD and is currently the host for the 4th year of informal science education and entertainment events. His passion turns on the development of the Financial Drivers License Program, an economic and financial literacy short-course for teens. [Read Full Bio...]

Upcoming Events

AE Café #13
Inside the Federal Reserve
6:30pm July 14, 2011
Location: Coffee Catz

Will feature a story about the Federal Reserve and how they attempted to balance the "store of value" (SV) or capital.

Previous Events

AE Café #12
Finance at the Threshold
6:30pm June 16, 2011
Location: French Garden

Before we all listened to a story about how an entire nation made a monetary course correction, the presenter briefly described some basic precepts of associative economics and also asked four economics related questions...

AE Café #11
Yellow and Blue Money: Humanity at the Threshold
6:30pm April 14, 2011
Location: French Garden

A Symmetry Theory of Value and a 24 minute YouTube video 'Finance at the Threshold' followed by discussion.

The Colors of Money
An Introduction to Associative Economics
October 22-24, 2010
Location: French Garden Confrence Room

AE Cafe #10
The Economics of Education: Rethinking Our School System
Sir Ken Robinson TED talk
November 4, 2010
Location: Youth Annex

AE Café #9
Symmetry II: A Twin
Theory of value with Daniel Osmer
September 2, 2010
Location: Coffee Catz

AE Café #8
Reframing Economics: An Introduction to Associative Economics Principles and Axioms
with Daniel Osmer
April 29, 2010
Location: Youth Annex

AE Café #5
March 19, 2010
Location: Youth Annex

AE Café #4

March 12, 2010
Location: Youth Annex

AE Café#3

Prelude in Economics
February 26, 2010
Location: Youth Annex